Client: Harrisons Energy and
In a New Zealand first, has partnered with Lynker Analytics, and New Zealand’s leading solar power provider, Harrisons Energy Solutions, to calculate, calibrate and display the annual retail value of residential solar systems for properties across New Zealand.
Using LiDAR data available from Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand, we have generated detailed digital models showing the solar potential across more than 1.9 million properties across New Zealand. Our models take into account the size, angle and orientation of the roof as well as shadows from nearby trees, buildings and hills. The example image below of the Auckland CBD shows the tremendous level of detail contained within the models.
Solar receipt surface, Auckland Central Business District
Using roof outline data we extract from the model a unique solar receipt heatmap for every property - including all buildings. Each roof or building polygon generally has over 100 data points a (from 1 meter LiDAR resolution input data) and the rooftop heat maps allow you to understand where on your roof might be best suited to solar panels.
Solar receipt heatmap visualised by property
Finally based on the distribution and intensity of the heatmap we were able to determine an annual estimate of power generation potential in kilowatt hours and dollar terms. We calibrated these calculations carefully using production data from Harrisons Energy. The solar estimate is based on the annual value a standard 3 kW or 5 kW system could generate using an average retail power price.
Harrisons solar estimate on
Tom Lintern, Chief Data Scientist from explains
“the Solar Estimate provides an indication of the returns you can expect for your property from a solar investment.“
Coverage of 1.9M rooftop level solar estimates on know that Kiwis are passionate about property and want to access as much data and content possible to help them make the best possible decisions for themselves and their families.
Phil Harrison, General Manager of Harrisons also says
“We are excited to partner with and Lynker Analytics on this initiative. A solar system added to your home is an investment. It adds green features to your home and can increase the value of your home to potential buyers who see the benefits of solar. If you are a landlord, a solar system can make your property a lot more attractive to prospective tenants who will see the opportunity to reduce their energy bills.”
You can check out the solar heatmaps and estimates now freely available for 1.9m+ households on
Further reading: Solar power: an idea whose time has come?
Solar heatmap raster image and tile service
Solar estimate database for every property